On this date in 1864, Montana came up with a name for its capitol, Helena. One of the founding fathers wanted to name it for a woman he met, but he couldn't remember her last name. It was "Helen, uh... Helen, uh..."
In 1925, the very first crude TV images were created. Technical crude, not "South Park" crude.
On this date in 1938, Orson Welles did his famous broadcast of "War of the Worlds," which caused a nation-wide panic.
  • It was just a radio play, but people who tuned in late thought we really been invaded by Martians.
  • Yes, there was a time where our country was one big Honey-Boo-Boo family.
  • He made it sound as though the U.S. was being taken over by aliens... which is what those opposed to immigration reform are claiming today.

In 1945, the U.S. government ended national shoe rationing.
  • Another reason why my wife never would have survived World War II.
  • Husbands everywhere suppressed the news as long as they could.
  • Finally, we could all go back to wearing two.
  • Yet, another reason you weren't alive back then.

On this date in 1970, Jim Morrison was sentenced to 6 months in jail and fined $500 for exposing himself to a Miami crowd. Or, as they call that today in Miami, "Monday."

In 1974, Muhammad Ali knocked out George Foreman in the 8th round of a 15-round bout in Kinshasa, Zaire, to regain his world heavyweight title. I'm figuring that was the day George decided to get into the grill business. Foreman said his head hit the canvas like a grill. And the rest, as they say, is history.


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