Women's Health asked men about first dates:
  • 52% of guys say don't bare it all, you don't need to flash a lot of flesh on the first date they prefer to uncover it themselves. 
  • 66% say skip the salad guys want you to order the sirloin already. 
  • 74% say grab the check guys think it's a total turn on when a woman insists on paying all or half of the bill. 
  • 91% say don't hurry love they'd rather have a second date but no physical action with a woman they're attracted to than a meaningless hook up with a girl they won't see again. 
  • 47% say hang up, the men polled found incessant texting or phone calls during a date is a bigger turnoff than checking out other guys. 
  • 70% say plan it together guys would prefer to find the perfect date spot with you. 
  • 80% say make the first move the guy will thank you for it. 
  • 83% say but don't sweat the smooch guys think you can have a great date even without a lip-lock. 


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