Restrictions on State Route 86 (Ajo Way) continue between Fuller and Valencia roads Drivers should plan for heavy delays

The Arizona Department of Transportation advises drivers to plan for the following restrictions as construction on State Route 86 (Ajo Way) continues between Fuller and Valencia roads:

SR 86 will be reduced to one lane in both directions from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m Tuesday, Oct. 31 through Wednesday, Nov. 1 for pavement work.
Shoulder work for guardrail repair and paving between Fuller and Valencia roads are scheduled for the next two weeks from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., starting Tuesday, Oct. 31 at various locations at a time.
Driveways and access roads on SR 86 between Fuller and Valencia roads will remain open.

Traffic will be alternated to the open lane and guided through the work zone by a pilot vehicle for the flagging operation, work crews and traffic devices.
Motorists should obey the reduced speed limit and expect heavy delays.

The work is part of a project to improve an 11-mile segment of SR 86 between Fuller and Valencia roads.

For more information please visit the project website.

Schedules are subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen factors. For more information, please call the ADOT Project Information Line at 855.712.8530 or email For real-time highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT’s Traveler Information Site at, follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except while driving.


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