On this date in 1774, the very first Continental Congress adjourned in Philadelphia. They picked up the name Continental Congress because all they had for breakfast was juice, some rolls and coffee.

In 1825, the Erie Canal opened in upstate New York connecting the Hudson River with... well, if I have to tell you, we're sending you back to school.

On this date back in 1861 Telegraph service began in the U.S.. Basically, it was texting but over wires. The very first message was, "Can you read me now?"

In 1881, the famous Gunfight at the OK Corral took place. Yes, people were killed, but as the name indicates, the Corral ended up OK. What a great name for a city, "Tombstone." How'd you like to be on their Chamber of Commerce? "If you lived here, you'd be dead by now!"

On this date in 1919, the city of Bismarck, North Dakota, dropped to ten below zero, the town's coldest October temperature to date.
  • That was the year the kids went out on Halloween and yelled, "Trick or freeze!" 
  • It was so cold, the robins used the bird baths to form a hockey league. 
  • It was so cold, there was actually frost inside the pumpkin! 

In 1949, President Truman signed a bill that made the minimum wage 75-cents an hour (up from 40 cents).
  • So that's where our boss came up with that salary. 
  • I better let the boss know. I think he missed that. 
  • Hey, why didn't someone tell me we got a raise? 


Wow, two months from today we'll be hitting the after-Christmas sales. Or not.

Jon Heder turns the big 4-0 today. Yep, Napoleon Dynamite is 40. And, Pedro would have made a better president.

Seth MacFarlane -- the Family Guy guy -- celebrates birthday number 44 today by having each of the voices in his head sing happy birthday to him. He's got a bucket list, but most of his bucket is pretty empty. The guy's done everything.

Keith Urban turns 50 today. No gifts necessary, he's married to Nicole Kidman. Someone's living a dream.

Natalie Merchant is 54. She was once with 10,000 Maniacs but apparently got away. Of course, when she left, they became 9,999 Maniacs.

Hillary Rodham Clinton hits the big 7-0 today. She blames Russia. Husband Bill is planning a nice quiet romantic dinner and then afterwards, he'll call her up and wish her a happy birthday!

Mr. Wheel of Fortune, Pat Sajak, turns 71 today. If you'd like to get him something, you could always buy him a vowel. Man, 71 and still spinning his wheels.

Felix the Cat celebrates his 100th birthday today. All those familiar with the phrase, "Righty-O," stop slurping your broth!


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