So how old is old? It's not 50. It's not 60. It's 70. Or maybe even 80. That's the word from an Associated poll of baby boomers, who are not only not particularly concerned about dying, but also insist they aren't even old. Yet. AP reports that 75 percent of baby boomers who are between the ages of 57 and 65 consider themselves to be middle-aged or younger. While young adults say 60 is the beginning of old age, baby boomers are pushing that number back. The median age they cite is 70, but 25 percent of boomers say old age doesn't start until 80 candles are on the birthday cake. This is what they think about growing old(er):
  • Overall, they are upbeat about the future.
  • They are more likely to be excited about the positive aspects of aging, such as retirement, rather than being worried about the negatives, such as declining health.
  • One-third of boomers say they feel confident about growing older, which is almost twice as many who say they find it frustrating or sad.
  • Sixteen percent are actually happy to age, which is about equal to the number who admit they are afraid to grow old.
  • Most baby boomers expect to live longer than their parents with a better quality of life in old age.

When it comes to aging, what worries the boomers?
  • 45 percent are deeply worried about physical ailments that will take away their independence.
  • 44 percent are worried about losing their memory.
  • 43 percent worry about being unable to pay medical bills.
  • 41 percent are worried about losing financial self-sufficiency.
  • 18 percent worry about dying.

What are boomers doing to look younger?
  • Only one in five has had or would consider plastic surgery. Among those, the top concern is a big tummy, wrinkly eyes and a sagging chin.
  • Only 5 percent of baby boomers say they might use the chemical Botox to temporarily smooth away wrinkles, while 17 percent would consider laser treatments to fix varicose veins.
  • 55 percent of women regularly dye their hair to cover gray, compared with just 5 percent of men.
  • 25 percent of women have paid more than $25 for an anti-aging skincare product, such as a lotion or night cream, compared with just 5 percent of men.
  • 90 percent have tried to eat better.
  • 57 percent say they exercise regularly and about the same number say they do mental exercises, such as crossword puzzles, to stay sharp.

Trivia: In Genesis, how old does God set for man to live? 120 years.


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