According to a study from the Pew Research Center, 13% of all men and 16% of women are divorced in Nevada, while in Maine, 12% of men and 15% of women are divorced. That makes Nevada and Maine the top two states with the largest share of currently divorced residents.

  • Half of all men who live in New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts were over 30 when they got married. 
  • Nationally, the median age for a first marriage is 28 for men and 26 for women, meaning half are younger and half are older when they wed. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 52% of men and 48% of women are married. 
  • Half of first-time brides in Arkansas and Oklahoma are 24 or younger, the youngest of all the states. For men in those states, the average age to marry is 26. 
  • Maybe lovers in Arkansas and Oklahoma should wait longer to get married. In these two states, about 10% of the population has been married at least three times, the most of all 50 states. Compare this to New York and Massachusetts, where they marry much later, but just 2% of the population has walked down the aisle at least three times. 
  • Among married Americans, the median duration of their marriage in 2008 was 18 years. Among men, 9% are divorced, while 12% of women are divorced.


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