Of the 1,000 women Redbook magazine polled, 57 percent have become happier with their looks as they've grown older. Here's what got them to this excellent place and it's not only great makeup:
  • 37 percent of women say their biggest confidence boost comes from receiving a compliment from a stranger, compared to the 26 percent from getting a compliment from their best friend.
  • 30 percent of women would be okay if their spouse wanted to try a swipe of mascara. We guess it's only fair that he gets to look brighter-eyed before a big meeting too.
  • 87 percent of moms say their makeup routine is as speedy or shorter than it was before having kids.
  • 13 percent of moms say their makeup routine is longer because they look tired.
  • The number 1 reason you wear makeup 51 percent say it's "to look more naturally pretty."
  • 98 percent of women agree that an ugly attitude actually can make a person look less attractive.
  • 59 percent of women wish they could tell their younger selves, "Sime, you're more gorgeous than you think you are."
  • 18 percent of women wish they could tell their younger selves, "stop before they cut their own bangs."


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