Celebrated Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard reveals 10 common paradoxes that keep us from living our best lives. Avoid the impulses below, says scholar-healer Matthieu Ricard, and you'll be primed for lifelong happiness.
- Becoming rich, powerful and famous.
- Treating the universe as if it were a mail-order catalog by expecting it to gratify our every desire.
- Yearning for the "freedom" to achieve every last wish. This is not freedom, but being the slave of your own thoughts.
- Seeking too much pleasure. Pleasurable sensations soon become dull, and often become unpleasant.
- Maliciously taking revenge on someone who has hurt you. By doing so, you become like them and poison your own mind.
- Assuming that any one thing will make you happy. Such predictions usually don't turn out to be true.
- Expecting all praise and no criticism. Without criticism, you won't progress.
- To vanquish all your enemies. Animosity never brings happiness.
- To never face adversity. Refraining from doing so will make you weak and vulnerable.
- Expending all your effort on taking care of yourself alone.
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