Real life relationships are infinitely more complicated than those in your average fable, movie or half-hour TV show. Still, there's nothing wrong with taking a page or two from pop culture when writing the script for your own love life. Self magazine ask readers these questions and here's what they said:
  • 77% agree that "you have to change who you are a little to make love work."
  • 83% disagree that "big romantic gestures are a measure of how much he loves you."
  • 58% agree that "sex can turn into love."
  • 83% disagree that "an unattractive and foul tempered guy can grow on you."
  • 81% agree that "the love of your life could be right under your nose, right now."
  • 56% agree that "first impressions are usually correct."
  • 74% agree that "it's possible to keep sex hot even with kids and a crazy busy life."
  • 86% agree that "mixing business with romance rarely ends well in real life."
  • 88% agree that "you can live with someone for years and never fully know them."
  • 82% disagree that "you must never listen to friends' opinions about the one you love."


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