The isolation period is well underway for many people. If you've nailed your at-home wardrobe, figured out your working from home routine, how to co-exist with your partner and even make tinned meals, British Glamour has rounded up some ways you can spend your time indoors.

Read a book
Whether you have time off work or simply find yourself with more time on your hands, there's no better excuse to curl up with that book you've been meaning to read from last summer. Or you could try one of the hot new book releases for 2020.

Tidy the house
Tidying and deep-cleaning your space will not only get rid of harmful dust, dirt and germs, but it'll put you in a clearer headspace. So, chuck on your favourite playlist, wash those throws and cushion covers, hoover right into those corners and take the bloody bins out. You'll feel better for it, promise.

Sort through your wardrobe
That old band t-shirt gathering dust in the back of your wardrobe? Those sequined denim shorts you haven't worn since Glasto 2015? It's time to get rid of them. Grab some strong bin bags and get closet culling. It'll make you feel wonderfully cleansed, and your local charity shops will be very grateful for donations (make sure it's in a saleable condition though; anything with holes or stains should be recycled instead). The same goes for the rest of your home, too - most charity shops are super grateful, no matter how small or cheap.

Start gardening
Okay, you've cleaned every corner of your gaff, had that glass of wine and hung up your Marigolds. No more cleaning for you. Now, why not turn your hand to gardening? Tons of studies recently have shown the benefits of gardening for our mental health (so much so that horticultural therapy is said to help treat depression and anxiety), and you don't even need a garden to get started; even the smallest of balconies or terraces can be used for a herb garden.

Cook up a storm
Cooking is wonderfully therapeutic, too. Batch cook some of your favourite recipes or turn to one the best cookbooks for recipe inspiration.

Get your self-care game on
Light your favorite candles, run a bubble bath, get that face mask on and prep nails for a mani-pedi.

Crack the games out
It's time to show some love to that jigsaw puzzle your aunt Karen bought you for Christmas 2010. Or challenge your friends to a game of six-hour, relationship-testing Monopoly.

Do a home workout
There's plenty of exercises you can do sans gym; just check out our round-up of the best at-home workouts.

Nap till your heart's content
After that sweat sesh, you deserve a little lie down. And really, when was the last time you actually had time to nap? And aren't naps one of life's greatest pleasures? So, go forth, get cozy and have a delicious little nap. You so deserve it.


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