Hours after announcing that Ralph Lauren would hand over the reins

Hours after announcing that Ralph Lauren would hand over the reins of his fashion empire to Stefan Larsson, the recent president of Old Navy, the fashion icon was seen dining with Larsson at his Polo Bar restaurant Tuesday night. Lauren and Larsson, who will join the Ralph Lauren Corp. in November as CEO, were having an amicable dinner, just the two together, at a corner table. One witness described the meeting as "a friendly, positive dinner, where they had a lot to discuss." Another source noted that Lauren was stepping up as the company's chief creative officer and would still drive corporate strategy, and that Larsson would report to him. Meanwhile, dining at the same time at other Polo Bar tables were Donald Trump with wife Melania, Sean Penn, George Lucas, Oprah Winfrey, Peters, Michael, Michael J. Fox, Jennifer Grey, designers Dennis and Tory Burch, plus Lauren's wife, Ricky, and son David. Our witness added, "Despite the presence of Trump and other stars, all eyes were on Ralph and Stefan. (Page Six)


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