On this date in 1921, the World Series was broadcast over the radio for the very first time, with the New York Yankees playing the New York Giants. In case you're curious, New York won. Of course, the signal was in black and white. Today, we're just starting the process with the Wild Card games. If the World Series goes 7 games, it'll finish in November!
In 1931, Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Herndon completed the first non-stop flight across the Pacific Ocean, arriving in Washington state 41 hours after leaving Japan. They were really ticked at the plane designer, who forgot to include restrooms.
On this date in 1947, President Truman asked Americans to not eat beef on Tuesday and skip poultry on Thursday, so grain could be stock-piled to help starving Europeans. These days, Americans would not only ignore the advice, but probably also eat Tuesday and Thursday.
In 1969, the British TV show, "Monty Python's Flying Circus" debuted. It was something completely different.
On this date in 1970, PBS was born. Without them, we wouldn't know what a pledge-drive is. Up until then, I couldn't tell you how to get to Sesame Street.

In 1974, David Kunst finished his walk around the world... after four years! I'm pretty sure he finished in last place.


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