Pregnant TV Host Has the Best Response for Body-Shaming Haters.

Pregnant TV Host Has the Best Response for Body-Shaming Haters. The last thing a pregnant woman should have to worry about is defending her appearance to some Internet trolls who just aren't worth her time. Australian journalist Sarah Harris, co-host of Studio 10, was unfortunately put in that position when body-shaming haters criticized her looks after paparazzi photos showed the pregnant TV personality leaving a restaurant, dressed casually and without makeup. Harris wanted to address the critics, to hopefully empower other pregnant women and mothers out there too. "My first reaction when I saw these photos was 'oh my God,'" said Harris, of the Daily Mail pics. She then described the hurtful comments that some made about her body. "I did feel pretty awful about the comments and the pictures, but then I thought, you know what? Bugger it. I'm growing a baby." "This is me, this is how I get around once I leave work. I take off my pretty frocks, the heavy make-up and the hair, I take off my Spanx, which I'm still wearing. That's what I look like, and it's OK." Harris added that she wants this to inspire other mothers out there to know they shouldn't feel pressured when it comes to their weight. "I want to say to the haters, get stuffed." PREACH, girl! And that dinner you were eating before the pics were taken sounds amazing. Don't let anyone tell you how to be. (Eonline)


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