On this date in 1608, Hans Lippershey offered the Dutch government a new invention, the telescope.
Big news for astronomers, bad news for his sun-bathing neighbor next door.
He claimed to have invented it to discover new galaxies after his wife caught him looking at one of the neighbors.
The government thanked him, but asked him to remove the quarter-for-5-minutes device on it.
He said it was for the stars and planets and such, but we know better.
He hadn't planned to announce the discovery, but the neighbors caught him.

In 1862, tin cans with key openers were invented. They became much more popular than the cans with the combination locks. The real tricky part was installing those little tiny locks.

On this date in 1936, the first power plant fueled by alcohol opened in Kansas. What a waste of perfectly good alcohol!

In 1950, Charles Schulz's "Peanuts" comic strip debuted in nine newspapers. It was the only place where you could psychiatric help for a mere 5 cents. There was grief, but the grief was good.

On this date in 1956, the very first atomic-powered clock started up... and kept glowing and glowing and glowing.


And we've entered October territory...

It's Tiffany's 46th birthday today. The singer, famous for her song, "I Think We're Alone Now," actually is.

Kelly Ripa celebrates birthday number 47. Best way to describe her: "Serially perky!" We still haven't made the transition to "Kelly and Ryan." Then again, it took me a while to catch on when Sears and Regis became Sears and Roebuck.

Sting (aka Gordon Sumner) turns 66 today.
He plans a quiet evening at home tonight with nothing but tantric cake eating.
I've heard his tantric "Happy birthday to you" song can go on for hours.
Must be weird having a name that makes you think of something painful.
Of course, his brother, "Leg Cramp" has it much worse.

Mike Rutherford of Genesis and Mike and the Mechanics is 67 today. That's like 142 in rocker years.

Charlie Brown and Snoopy were born on this date in 1950. Yes, they're both 67 years old. You'd think after all these years, he still wouldn't fall for the football trick.

Movie critic Rex Reed turns 79 today. He flames so much, on his birthday, his candles blow him out. Name Your Car Day -- AutoNation surveyed 2,500 car owners, asking them to reveal their car's nickname. One fun fact: We seem to prefer names that begin with a "B."

Top Car Names Overall:

1. Betsy
2. Bessie
3. Baby/Betty (tie)
5. The Beast
6. Sally
7. Bertha
8. Lucy
9. Big Red
10. Buddy/Red/Stella (tie)

Top Car Names Men Choose:

1. Betsy
2. The Beast
3. Sally
4. Lucy
5. Bertha
6. Bessie, Billy, Turbo (tie)
9. Baby, Big Red, Buddy, Fiesta, Stella, Steve (tie)

Top Car Names Women Choose:

1. Betsy
2. Bessie
3. Baby
4. Bertha
5. Herbie, Precious, Sally (tie)
8. Alice, Big Blue, Big Red, Blue (tie)

Top Pop-Culture Car Names:

1. The Enterprise
2. The Batmobile
3. Optimus Prime
4. Millennium Falcon


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