• Magazine publisher Conde' Nast is looking at some layoffs after what they're calling "a terrible year." 
  • Here's what divorce is doing to America -- it's making families bigger. Almost a third of U.S. households headed by adults under age 55 have at least one step-parent. 
  • KISS bass player Gene Simmons is being sued by a female reporter who claims he sexually battered her last month during an interview. 
  • As expected, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" made over $220 million opening weekend. 
  • Tough weekend for a bride in Nebraska who had a severe allergic reaction to her wedding bouquet. 
  • Halle Berry says she is "done with love" after her breakup with music producer Alex Da Kid. 
  • John Skipper resigned as president of ESPN and co-chairman of the Disney Media Networks on Monday. 
  • Alex Rodriguez gave the commencement speech at the University of Miami. 
  • In California, a woman was kicked out of a Starbucks for telling two Korean students, "This is America. Speak English!" 
  • Justin Timberlake has just applied to trademark the phrase, "Man of the Woods," leading to speculation that will be the name of his next album. He's less than two months away from his Super Bowl performance. 
  • Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost are going strong. Even holding hands during the SNL sign-off Saturday night. 
  • Who came to the rescue of all those stranded travelers in Atlanta on Sunday during the power outage? Chick-fil-A showed up with food. Even though they're closed on Sundays. 
  • P. Diddy or Sean Combs or Puffy or whatever his name is this week says he wants to buy the Carolina Panthers.


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