• A recent study shows the average executive spends 45 minutes every day making copies. (B.S., but they do spend that much time looking for something on their desk) 
  • Eight nails are used in a standard horseshoe. (Yes) 
  • The average Facebook user checks their account 27 times each day. (B.S.-more like 14) 
  • Sugar maple trees have to be 200 years old before they are generally tapped for syrup. (B.S., they have to be about 40 years old) 
  • Billy Idol was featured at the very first rock concert held at Yankee Stadium. (B.S., it was Billy Joel, in June 1990, at the end of his Storm Front tour) 
  • Nazis murdered close to 11 Million people during the holocaust. (Yes-6 million of which were Jewish). 
  • There are approximately fifty Joy of Cooking books sold each minute across the world. (B.S., Bibles) 
  • Nearly 27% of single women say if a bowtie is worn by a man on a first date it would ruin all chances of a second date. (Yes) 
  • In real-estate shorthand, the acronym FDR represents "Finished Downstairs Room". (B.S., it stands for "Formal Dining Room") 
  • Fluffy is the name of the vicious three-headed dog who guards the Sorcerer's Stone in J.K. Rowling's blockbuster book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. (Yes) 
  • The largest gland in the human body is the tongue. (B.S., The liver, which is also the largest organ) 
  • The shortest overtime in National Football League history was 14 seconds. (Yes, in a September 8, 2002, a game between the New York Jets and the Buffalo Bills. It was accomplished with a kickoff return by Chad Morton, giving the Jets a win) 
  • About 17% of humans, chimpanzees and gorillas are left-handed. (Yes.) 
  • A typical full-time worker in the U.S. with a four-year college degree earns 10% more than worker with only a high-school diploma. (B.S., 62% more) 
  • The average person checks the time 90 times a day. (Yes)


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