On this date in 64 A.D., the Great Fire of Rome began.
  • I'm trying to figure out, with so much of Rome made from stone, how did it burn?
  • The good news was that, by the time the fire was out, the emperor Nero was really good on the fiddle.
  • And for the record: Rome didn't burn in a day.

It was on this date in 1872, Britain introduced secret ballot voting. In fact, it was so secret, no one knew where to go to vote.

In 1927, Ty Cobb got his 4,000th career hit. That record stood all the way up until the Clinton White House.

On this date in 1931, the very first air-conditioned ship was launched. Unfortunately, it went to Alaska and never got to use it.

In 1932, the U.S. and Canada signed a treaty to develop the St. Lawrence Seaway. In fact, to keep the agreement casual, they even renamed it the St. Larry Seaway.

On this date in 1938 Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan arrives in Ireland after he left New York for California. Think about it -- if he were alive today, he'd still probably be the best presidential candidate out there. You think he might have noticed that big lake on his way there.

In 1940, the movie "You're in the Army Now" premiered... and featured the longest kiss ever on screen: 3-minutes 15-seconds. The popularity of this movie inspired the sequel, "Birth of a Hickie."

Also in 1940, a helicopter was successfully flown for the first time in Stratford, CT. The inventor was so mad at the many failed flights, he had changed the original name, from the "heck-icopter" to the "Hell-icopter." You have to give helicopter pilots props. Well, and a motor. And a helicopter.


Today's date is easy to remember today -- 7-18-18.

Kristen Bell turns 38 today. At our house, she's Princess Anna in "Frozen." Enough said.

Vin Diesel turns 51 today. That's Riddick... ulous.
  • Man, his voice is so low, he has to take off his socks to clear his throat.
  • A lot of years, but of course, being a Diesel, he's good for a lot of miles.
  • He's not only tough, but being Diesel, he gets better mileage.
  • He used to be an affordable actor, but when he hit big, both movie producers and truck drivers both complained about the high cost of Diesel.

Golfer and CBS golf host Nick Faldo hits a 61 today. He's won the British Open three times... and won it closed once.

Sir Richard Branson turns 68 today and still a Virgin... owner.

Martha Reeves, who made the song "Heat Wave" famous, turns 77 today. It was around this time of year she'd start to sing it and people would say, "Shut up!"

James Brolin -- Mr. Barbra Streisand and Josh's dad -- turns 78 today. Hopefully, it won't rain on his parade.

60's singer Dion turns 79 today. "Runaround Sue" is now "Walker Around Wanda."

National Caviar Day -- According to the FDA, the only fish that produces real caviar is Sturgeon.


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