Family Circle reports on back to school:

Half of all parents of K-12 students have had an argument with their kids over homework in the last year that involved yelling or tears; a third said such meltdowns occurred repeatedly.
Many parents feel they're being held responsible for their kids' education, instead of teachers and schools and they resent it.
The amount of time kids spend reading for fun declines sharply after age 8. The number one reason given by parents is too much homework.
All those long homework assignments are exhausting, especially for middle and high schoolers: 22% of teens say they're so tired they fall asleep while studying, and 28% say they nod off in the classroom.
Personal Shopper recently surveyed two-thousand parents to find out their take on back-to-school shopping. Here's a look at the results:

64% say back-to-school shopping is time-consuming or stressful
20% dread back-to-school shopping
61% find sticking to their budget to be the biggest challenge of back-to-school shopping
70% say quote, "getting deals on the items both they and their kids want" would make the experience more enjoyable
29% say they have to keep their kids focused on buying the things they need to go back to school
20% go to the mall more than once or visit than one store to buy necessary items
18% don't have enough time to finish back-to-school shopping
17% argue with their children while shopping
15% can't find the brands their children want
Percentage of parents surveyed who find back-to-school shopping worse than the following activities:

21% - sitting in traffic
20% - doing laundry
12% - visiting their in-laws
12% - cleaning their homes
11% - helping their kids with their homework
10% - paying their bills
9% - working longer hours
8% - doing taxes
7% - going to the dentist


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