Ladies, if you really want to make that new guy think you're sexy, be a cheap date. Show him that he doesn't have to spend a lot of money to impress you. A survey sponsored by ING Direct USA that found that 61% of men find a frugal blind date to be both "smart" and "sexy." Want more?
  • 68% of American men and women agree that women are better at managing household finances, including managing bills and household spending.
  • More than 60% of Americans think men are better at managing investments.
  • Men are also almost twice as confident as women (29% vs. 18%) when it comes to investing in the stock market and putting money into retirement accounts.
  • 50% of American men and women are more intimidated by investing in the stock market than doing their own taxes (34%), completing mortgage applications (24%), technology (19%) or their in-laws (10 percent).
  • Women are 56% more likely to give up sex than men if that move could eliminate their debt.
  • When it comes to sex versus chocolate, chocolate wins. Women are less willing to give up chocolate and shopping than they are sex and alcohol to eliminate debt.
  • Men are more upset about losing a job (46%) than about an unfaithful spouse (39%) or accumulating debt (34%).
  • Women are likely to be more upset about an unfaithful spouse (44%) than losing a job (40%) or accumulating debt (27%).
  • Women are more likely to be upset about gaining weight (30%) than accumulating debt (27%).
  • Men said they'd be more upset about accumulating debt (34%) than gaining weight (24%).


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