• According to studies, the average consumer uses 57 sheets of toilet paper per day. (Yes, that's an annual total of 20,805)
  • Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii and Maine are the four states in the U.S. that do not allow sheep farmers. (B.S., it's billboards)
  • Leif Erikson was the first European to set foot in North America. (Yes, in the year 1000)
  • A group of kittens is called a kindle. (Yes)
  • It takes about 10 months for an oyster to produce a pearl naturally. (B.S. Closer to ten years!)
  • Oklahoma has the most lightning strikes in the U.S. (B.S., it's Florida)
  • A researcher walking by a radar tube had a chocolate bar in his pocket which promptly melted - which lead to the invention of the microwave. (Yes)
  • Sioux Indian chief Sitting Bull appeared on the back of the 20 dollar bill in 1875. (B.S., it was Pocahontas)
  • The Bill of Rights was written on hemp paper? (B.S.-- but the Declaration of Independence was!!)
  • China is the only place in the world, where Friday comes before Thursday. (B.S., the only place Friday comes before Thursday is in the dictionary)
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower gave the first televised presidential press conference in the U.S. (Yes)
  • Less than 1 percent of all creatures ever known to inhabit the earth still exist today. (B.S., actually around 10 percent do!)
  • A lightning bolt is about 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun. (Yes, about 6000 degrees centigrade)
  • Bart Simpson's first name comes from creator Matt Groening rearranging the letters of the word "brat." (Yes)
  • By the time you hit middle age the average American will have walked around the earth three times! (Yes)
  • The main reason actress Jane Wyman gave for wanting to divorce her husband Ronald Reagan was that he talked too much. (Yes)
  • Contrary to popular belief, not a single person convicted of witchcraft was ever burned in Salem, Massachusetts. (Yes, those people were either hung on "Gallows Hill" or pressed to death -- the not so fun practice of piling stones on someone until they're crushed to death!)
  • 75% of us surveyed said we'd rather be mugged than audited by the IRS. (B.S., but 50% of us would rather be mugged. But then aren't they both about the same thing?)
  • Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not sweat by salivating. They sweat through the pads of their feet. (Yes)
  • Wanna know how big somebody's feet are? Check out their forearm. For most people, the length of their forearm is the same as the length of their feet. (Yes)
  • The sun isn't round. It's flat on the top and bottom. (Yes! Who knew?)
  • Regis Philbin had originally been tapped to host "American Idol" but turned it down because he thought the show was a dumb idea. (B.S., we made it up!)
  • Almost half the pigs in the world live in China. (Yes, they're kept by Chinese farmers)


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