The ancient Roman emperor Nero was born on this date back in 37 A.D. He was best known for his fiddling around... which resulted in a lot of bows... and eventually, in getting burned.

On this date in 1799, George Washington died, less than three years after leaving office. He was not only our first president, but also our first president to die. Always had to be first... .

In 1819, Alabama became the 22nd U.S. State, but quickly climbed the polls to the number two spot.

On this date in 1836 that the U.S. Patent Office burned down. It was decided, after that, no one would be allowed to get a patent on fire.

One of the richest men in the world, J. Paul Getty, was born in 1892. First guy to have a Gucci stocking hanging over his fireplace.

On this date in 1911, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen becomes the first man to reach the South Pole, right after the first dog beat him to it.

In 1914, the Russians drove the Austrians out of Yugoslavia. It took 23 trips, since there were only two cabs in the entire country.

The first Miniature Golf Course opened in way, way back in 1929

On this date in 1939, the Soviet Union was dropped from the League of Nations. Hey, they were warned: Pay your dues, or else.

In 1946, the United Nations voted to make New York City its official headquarters. That way, they wouldn't have to travel as far to criticize the U.S.

On this date in 1967, DNA was created in a lab at Stanford University. It actually happened by accident. They were trying to create a guy named Dan, but there was a typo.

In 1985, Baseball great Roger Maris died at age 51. Well, it was 51 with an asterisk.

On this date in 1986, the experimental aircraft "Voyager" took off from California. What made it experimental is that they actually served good food.

On this date back in 1987, Chrysler admitted that odometers were turned back on some test and executive models. We just thought we'd roll back the calendar for that one...

In 1997, Cuban President Fidel Castro declared that Christmas would become an official holiday. Talk about coming late to the party.


We're exactly two months away from Valentine's Day. (That'll be the holiday the stores switch to the day after Christmas.)

Former FBI Director James Comey turns 57 today. Any gifts he gets from the White House, I'd recommend soaking in water first.

Former baseball player Bill Buckner turns 68 today. And, as a special birthday gift, we're not going to mention why he is famous among Boston Red Sox fans. Look it up.

Dee Wallace, the mom in "E.T.," turns 69 today. She didn't enjoy making the movie very much. After all, she was the one who had to clean up after the alien in the closet. Yep, she had an alien running around her home. These days, that's very common. That was back when aliens were from outer space.

Buy a Christmas Tree Day -- The National Christmas Tree Association says that artificial trees now outnumber real trees in American homes. Some say the fakes ones just don't look right. Oddly shaped, not very flexible... oh wait, we were talking about trees, weren't we?


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