On this date in 551 B.C., Confucius was born. He was of course, the man who coined the phrase, "He who lives in glass house should dress in basement."
In 1789, the U.S. War Department created a regular army. The secret? Lots of fiber.
On this date in 1829, the famous Scotland Yard was created. Weird that they use "Yard" when they're on the metric system.
In 1913, Rudolph Diesel -- the inventor of the diesel engine -- drowned in the English Channel. Ironically, he was knocking for help and everyone just assumed he was just like his engine.
On this date in 1951, the very first color broadcast of a football game on TV took place. This marked the beginning of the end for Sunday home projects. This really should be a holiday and we should all have the day off.
In 1973, a 47-year-old French man completed 185 non-stop days on a tightrope. He finally came down and faced his wife. I have a hard time just sitting on this chair without falling off.
On this date in 1987, Henry Ford II died at the age of 70. Or, as they say in the business, "was recalled."
In 1998, the Federal Reserve lowered the prime rate to 5.25 percent, the first cut in nearly three years. Yes, it wasn't that long ago, we were working things from the other side...

On this date in 2001, Jennifer Lopez married her first husband, Chris Judd. Hey, someone had to be first.


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