Tinder Outraged That They Would Be Associated with STDs!

Tinder Outraged That They Would Be Associated with STDs!

Who in their right mind could ever think that Tinder could be associated with STDs? The popular "hook-up" app has sent a cease and desist letter to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation after a billboard went up in Los Angeles last week that draws a link between dating apps and a growing rate of sexually transmitted diseases. Probably didn't help that the billboard was located near the West Hollywood headquarters of Tinder. The foundation said the billboard's purpose is to raise awareness about the increasing STD rate and to encourage dating-app users to get regular screenings or a "free STD check." The billboard features silhouettes of people and the words "Tinder, Chlamydia, Grindr, Gonorrhea." Whitney Engeran-Cordova, the foundation's public health division director, said, "In many ways, location-based mobile dating apps are becoming a digital bathhouse for millennials wherein the next sexual encounter can literally just be a few feet away -- as well as the next STD." She added, "While these sexual encounters are often intentionally brief or even anonymous, sexually transmitted diseases can have lasting effects on an individual's personal health and can certainly create epidemics in communities at large." (L.A. Times)


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