• 65% of people surveyed said they've paid the full sticker price at a car dealership, even though they didn't have to.
  • According to a recent survey, the average parent only has 15 minutes of free time each day.
  • The average four year old asks "why?" about 48 times a day.
  • Only 12% of U.S. adults wear sun screen year round even though they know they should.
  • 20% of neighbors are jealous of their neighbor's lawn.
  • Regular exercise will make you happier and wealthier according to a study done for Freeletics. Those that make regular exercise a habit are not only happier, but make more money than those who don't.
  • 68% of women feel guilty if they leaving dishes in the sink in the morning before going to work.
  • A recent survey shows that 53% of kids receive a cell phone by age 6.
  • Parents say this phrase to their kids on average about 540 times during the school year. "Hurry up!"


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