• In a surprise announcement, Bob Iger said he would step down as Disney CEO, effective immediately.
  • We've heard that Harry and Megs have been looking to buy a place at Point Grey in B.C, near Chip Wilson, the founder of Lulu Lemon.
  • Amazon Go Grocery opened in Seattle yesterday, their first cashier-less grocery store. You walk out without stopping to pay and the app automatically bills you.
  • KFC is taking their Kentucky Fried Chicken & Donuts sandwich nationwide. After a couple of successful test-market runs, they are now available in all participating restaurants.
  • Toy creator Jens Nygaard Knudsen, who's best known for designing the iconic Lego mini-figurine, died last week after battling the nerve cell disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). He was 78.
  • With the help of Doordash, Krispy Kreme will start delivering donuts to you, beginning this Saturday.
  • Pete Davidson says he feels like he's outgrown "Saturday Night Live" and it's like "they think I'm dumb."
  • Rush Limbaugh is claiming that the coronavirus is an effort to make the economy tank and therefore, help unseat President Trump.
  • Meanwhile, Trumps claims the virus is about to go away because they're close to developing a vaccine. The White House then said he was talking about Ebola.
  • More fake meat coming. Cargill Inc will launch their plant-based hamburger patties and ground "fake meat" products in April.
  • Meanwhile, the Impossible Burger is now on the menu at Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Resort and Disney Cruise Line.
  • The ousted former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, died Monday at the age of 91.
  • We now know that Kobe Bryant bought Rachel McAdams' blue dress from "The Notebook" and gave it to his wife.
  • We "spring ahead" an hour one week from Sunday!
  • A new study claims that shorter men have a better chance of developing dementia.
  • Hawaiian Airlines was named the most punctual airline in the U.S.
  • Greyhound says they're going to stop allowing Border Patrol agents on their buses without a search warrant.
  • Children up to 12 in the UK have been banned from heading soccer balls in practice.
  • A study says pot use is rising for people over 65.
  • Would you watch a "Bachelor" targeted at seniors, 65 and older? ABC thinks you will. It's on the way.


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