17 years ago today, one of those rare "you remember exactly what you were doing" days of our lives.

*Ludacris celebrates his 41st birthday. That's Ridiculous.

Ironically, the rapper 41 has been acting Ludacris.
At what point does he grow up and change his name to something less outrageous, like "Les Outrageous?"
What is more ludicrous than a 41-year-old calling himself Ludacris?
Harry Connick, Jr. turns 51 today. See, and I thought we lost him in "Independence Day." He has a model wife. Oh, actually, she's an ex-model, but still a wife (Jill Goodacre).

Moby turns 53 today.

He's a rather odd one. Then again, he thinks we're the odd ones.
Don't buy him a hairbrush for his birthday. It's been done.
I'm pretty sure he was the stunt double for Gallum in "Lord of the Rings."
Actor Andrew Jackson turns 56 today. He was on "All My Children" and the $20 bill, if we're not mistaken.

Make Your Bed Day -- Remember to always make your bed. A tidy bed is an oasis of order.

No News is Good News Day -- and we agree.


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