How soon in a relationship a couple has sex is a very personal decision, but 80% of women and 58% of men say Facebook, texting and other social media tools that help people stay connected lead to earlier first-time sex. That's the word from a survey by Shape and Men's Fitness magazines.

Texting is the number one way lovers keep in touch with one another.

Men text their lover 39% more frequently than phone, while women text 150% more often.

Before the first date, 70% of women and 63% of men use Google and other online search tools for background screening.

65% said they have been asked out on a date via text.

49% said they have been asked out on a date through a Facebook message.

Once a couple clicks, 72% of women say they have looked up their boyfriend's ex-girlfriends on Facebook.

When a couple is having sex and a call or text message is received, 5% of respondents say they glance to see who it is and 1% stop to answer.

Call it digital dumping. 43% of women and 27% of men say they have received a break-up text message.

81% said they do not de-friend the ex on Facebook.

75% admit to constantly checking a former lover's Facebook page.


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