In 1701 The Collegiate School of Yale is founded in Killingworth, CT.
In 1793 During the French Revolution, Queen Marie Antoinette is beheaded.
In 1846 Dentist William T. Morton demonstrates the effectiveness of ether
as an anesthetic by administering it to a patient undergoing jaw
surgery in Boston.
In 1859 Abolitionist John Brown leads a group of 20 men in a raid on
Harper's Ferry.
In 1869 A hotel in Boston becomes the first to have indoor plumbing.
In 1899 Marconi demonstrates radio in the U.S. for the first time.
In 1913 San Francisco hits 101 degrees, an October high-temperature record.
In 1916 Margaret Sanger opens the first birth control clinic, in New York
City, New York.
In 1941 The comic strip "Gordo," by Gus Arriola, first appears in
In 1941 The football penalty flag is first introduced.
In 1943 Chicago Mayor Ed Kelly opens the city's new subway system.
In 1946 10 Nazi war criminals condemned during the Nuremberg trials are
In 1957 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip arrive in Virginia
and begin a tour of the United States.
In 1962 The Cuban missle crisis begins with an advisory to President
Kennedy that missle bases were spotted in Cuba.
In 1964 China becomes the world's 5th nuclear power when it explodes its
first atomic bomb.
In 1964 Harold Wilson of the Labor Party assumes the office of Prime
Minister of Great Britain, succeeding Conservative Sir Alec
In 1969 Yhe New York Mets win the World Series, defeating the Baltimore
Orioles in game five, 5-3.
In 1969 Soyuz 6 returns to Earth.
In 1970 Anwar Sadat is elected president of Egypt, succeeding the late Gamal
Abdel Nasser.
In 1973 Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho are jointly awarded the Nobel peace
prize for negotiating the Vietnam cease-fire agreement.
In 1976 Soyuz 23 returns to Earth.
In 1978 The College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church chooses
Cardinal Karol Wojtyla as the new pope. He takes the name of
John Paul II.
In 1981 Israel's General Moshe Dayan dies at age 66.
In 1984 Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
In 1985 Americans Herbert A. Hauptman and Jerome Karle win the Nobel Prize
for chemistry.
In 1986 American industrialist Armand Hammer returns home from the Soviet
Union in his private jet, bringing with him Jewish scientist David
Goldfarb after securing permission for him to emigrate.
In 1987 Stocks drop 108.36 points on the Dow Jones Exchange.
In 1987 175 kph winds cause a blackout in London and much of southern
In 1987 18-month-old Jessica McClure is rescued 58 1/2 hours after she fell
22 feet into a well shaft in Midland, Texas.
In 1987 In the Persian Gulf, an Iranian missile hit a re-flagged Kuwaiti
ship in the first attack on the tanker fleet guarded by the U.S.
In 1990 Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev submits to the Soviet
legislature a scaled-back plan to transform the Soviet economy to a
free-market system.
In 1990 Actor/comedian Steve Martin and his wife, actress Victoria Tennant,
visit American troops in Saudi Arabia.
In 1991 A deadly shooting rampage takes place in Killeen, TX, as George
Hennard crashed his pickup truck into a Luby's Cafeteria and opened
fire, killing 23 people before taking his own life.
In 1992 Actress Shirley Booth, best known for her role as TV's "Hazel,"
dies at age 94.
In 1994 Heavy rains drench southeast Texas, leaving 20 people dead and
forcing 14,000 from their homes in 35 counties before flooding ends
a week later.
In 1994 German Chancellor Helmut Kohl is re-elected to a fourth term.
In 1995 Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan addresses an estimated
400,000 black men at the Washington monument as part of his Million
Man March.
In 1996 Soccer fans trying to squeeze into Mateo Flores National Stadium in
Guatemala City and trample over 84 people, killing them.
In 1996 Bob Dole challenges President Clinton's ethics and honesty in the
final presidential debate before the November elections.
In 1996 Soccer fans trying to squeeze into Mateo Flores National Stadium in
Guatemala City stampede, killing at least 83 people.
In 1997 In what may be the first such U.S. case, a Georgia woman gives birth
after being implanted with previously frozen eggs.
In 1997 Author James Michener dies in Austin, TX, at age 90.
In 1999 A 7.1 earthquake in the Mojave Desert shakes three states and
derailed an Amtrak train, but caused no serious damage or injuries.
In 1999 An Air National Guard plane rescues Dr. Jerri Nielsen from a South
Pole research center after she'd spent 5 months isolated in the
Antarctic, which forced her to treat herself for a breast lump.
In 2000 Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan and his son are killed in a plane
crash south of St. Louis while en route to a rally for Carnahan's
U.S. Senate campaign.
In 2001 12 U.S. senate offices are closed as hundreds of staffers underwent
anthrax tests.
In 2004 Pierre Salinger, a journalist who served as press secretary in the
Kennedy and Johnson administrations, dies at age 79.
In 2018 National Boss Day.
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