Today In History...
In 1400 Geoffrey Chaucer, author of "The Canterbury Tales," dies in London.
In 1675 Iapetus, a moon of Saturn, is discovered by Giovanni Cassini.
In 1760 George III ascends to the British throne upon the death of his
In 1760 grandfather, King George II.
In 1812 The U.S. frigate United States captures the British vessel
In 1812 Macedonian during the War of 1812.
In 1854 The "Charge of the Light Brigade" takes place during the Crimean
In 1854 War as an English brigrade of 600 men charged the Russian army
In 1854 against hopeless odds and suffered heavy losses.
In 1870 The first American postal cards are issued.
In 1903 The U.S. Senate begins investigating the Teapot Dome scandals of
In 1903 the Harding administration.
In 1918 The Canadian steamship Princess Sophia hits a reef off Alaska
In 1918 killing nearly all 400 aboard.
In 1929 Former Interior Secretary Albert B. Fall is convicted of taking a
In 1929 $100,000 bribe.
In 1939 "The Time of Your Life," by William Saroyan opens in New York.
In 1951 Peace talks aimed at ending the Korean War resume in Panmunjom after
In 1951 63 days.
In 1954 The Air Force closes "Operation Bluebook," a UFO study.
In 1960 The first electronic wrist watch, a Bulova, is placed on sale in
In 1960 New York City.
In 1962 U.S. ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson presents photographic evidence
In 1962 of Soviet missile bases in Cuba to the U.N. Security Council.
In 1962 American author John Steinbeck is awarded the Nobel Prize in
In 1962 literature.
In 1971 The U.N. General Assembly admits Mainland China and expels Taiwan.
In 1971 Roy Disney dedicates Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
In 1975 USSR Venera 10 lands on Venus.
In 1983 The U.S. invades Grenada, assisted by soldiers from six Caribbean
In 1983 nations, at the order of President Reagan, who said the action was
In 1983 necessary to protect U.S. citizens.
In 1985 Argentine President Raul Alfonsin declares a 60-day state of siege
In 1985 in order to meet legal requirements for holding 12 rightist army
In 1985 officers suspected of trying to undermine his government.
In 1986 At the time, the world's largest omelet (54,763 eggs/531 pounds of
In 1986 cheese), is whipped together in a 30-foot skillet in Las Vegas.
In 1986 The Boston Red Sox come within one strike of winning the World
In 1986 Series, but ended up losing to the New York Mets, 6-5, on a wild
In 1986 pitch and an error in the tenth inning, forcing a seventh game.
In 1988 In a UN speech, First lady Nancy Reagan says the U.S. is
In 1988 responsible for its own drug problem, and charged that every
In 1988 American drug user was "an accomplice to every criminal act"
In 1988 committed by drug barons.
In 1989 Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev begins a 3-day visit to Finland.
In 1989 Novelist and critic Mary McCarthy dies in New York at age 77.
In 1990 Evander Holyfield knocks out Buster Douglas in the third round of
In 1990 their fight in Las Vegas to become the undisputed heavyweight
In 1990 champion of the the world.
In 1992 Independent presidential candidate Ross Perot says he dropped his
In 1992 announced bid the previous July because he was told Republican
In 1992 operatives were planning to smear his daughter.
In 1993 Actor Vincent Price dies of lung cancer at age 82.
In 1994 In South Carolina, Susan Smith says a carjacker drove off with her
In 1994 two sons in the back seat (she later confesses to killing them and
In 1994 is sentenced to life in prison).
In 1994 Three defendants are convicted in South Africa of murdering American
In 1994 exchange student Amy Biehl.
In 1995 Tennis pro Bobby Riggs dies of prostate cancer at age 77.
In 1995 John J. Sweeney is elected AFL-CIO president.
In 1995 A commuter train slams into a school bus in Fox River Grove, IL,
In 1995 killing 7 students and injuring 28.
In 1996 Federal judge Richard Matsch grants Oklahoma City bombing defendants
In 1996 Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols separate trials.
In 1997 Hundreds of thousands of women join the Million Woman March in
In 1997 Philadelphia.
In 1998 Vice President Al Gore participates in a groundbreaking ceremony for
In 1998 a memorial dedicated to victims of the Oklahoma City bombing.
In 1999 Golfer Payne Stewart and five others are killed when their Learjet
In 1999 flew uncontrolled for four hours before crashing in South Dakota.
In 1999 Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan exits the GOP to
In 1999 mount a bid for the Reform Party nomination.
In 2000 Divers find and remove the first bodies from the wreckage of the
In 2000 nuclear submarine Kursk in the Barents Sea. It sank on August 12
In 2000 with the loss of all 118 sailors aboard.
In 2002 Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN) is killed in a plane crash in
In 2002 northern Minnesota along with his wife, daughter and five others,
In 2002 just 11 days before the election.
In 2002 Actor/singer, Richard Harris (MacArthur Park) dies in London at 72.
In 2003 The Florida Marlins win the World Series in Game 6 against the New
In 2003 York Yankees, 2-0.
In 1675 Iapetus, a moon of Saturn, is discovered by Giovanni Cassini.
In 1760 George III ascends to the British throne upon the death of his
In 1760 grandfather, King George II.
In 1812 The U.S. frigate United States captures the British vessel
In 1812 Macedonian during the War of 1812.
In 1854 The "Charge of the Light Brigade" takes place during the Crimean
In 1854 War as an English brigrade of 600 men charged the Russian army
In 1854 against hopeless odds and suffered heavy losses.
In 1870 The first American postal cards are issued.
In 1903 The U.S. Senate begins investigating the Teapot Dome scandals of
In 1903 the Harding administration.
In 1918 The Canadian steamship Princess Sophia hits a reef off Alaska
In 1918 killing nearly all 400 aboard.
In 1929 Former Interior Secretary Albert B. Fall is convicted of taking a
In 1929 $100,000 bribe.
In 1939 "The Time of Your Life," by William Saroyan opens in New York.
In 1951 Peace talks aimed at ending the Korean War resume in Panmunjom after
In 1951 63 days.
In 1954 The Air Force closes "Operation Bluebook," a UFO study.
In 1960 The first electronic wrist watch, a Bulova, is placed on sale in
In 1960 New York City.
In 1962 U.S. ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson presents photographic evidence
In 1962 of Soviet missile bases in Cuba to the U.N. Security Council.
In 1962 American author John Steinbeck is awarded the Nobel Prize in
In 1962 literature.
In 1971 The U.N. General Assembly admits Mainland China and expels Taiwan.
In 1971 Roy Disney dedicates Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
In 1975 USSR Venera 10 lands on Venus.
In 1983 The U.S. invades Grenada, assisted by soldiers from six Caribbean
In 1983 nations, at the order of President Reagan, who said the action was
In 1983 necessary to protect U.S. citizens.
In 1985 Argentine President Raul Alfonsin declares a 60-day state of siege
In 1985 in order to meet legal requirements for holding 12 rightist army
In 1985 officers suspected of trying to undermine his government.
In 1986 At the time, the world's largest omelet (54,763 eggs/531 pounds of
In 1986 cheese), is whipped together in a 30-foot skillet in Las Vegas.
In 1986 The Boston Red Sox come within one strike of winning the World
In 1986 Series, but ended up losing to the New York Mets, 6-5, on a wild
In 1986 pitch and an error in the tenth inning, forcing a seventh game.
In 1988 In a UN speech, First lady Nancy Reagan says the U.S. is
In 1988 responsible for its own drug problem, and charged that every
In 1988 American drug user was "an accomplice to every criminal act"
In 1988 committed by drug barons.
In 1989 Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev begins a 3-day visit to Finland.
In 1989 Novelist and critic Mary McCarthy dies in New York at age 77.
In 1990 Evander Holyfield knocks out Buster Douglas in the third round of
In 1990 their fight in Las Vegas to become the undisputed heavyweight
In 1990 champion of the the world.
In 1992 Independent presidential candidate Ross Perot says he dropped his
In 1992 announced bid the previous July because he was told Republican
In 1992 operatives were planning to smear his daughter.
In 1993 Actor Vincent Price dies of lung cancer at age 82.
In 1994 In South Carolina, Susan Smith says a carjacker drove off with her
In 1994 two sons in the back seat (she later confesses to killing them and
In 1994 is sentenced to life in prison).
In 1994 Three defendants are convicted in South Africa of murdering American
In 1994 exchange student Amy Biehl.
In 1995 Tennis pro Bobby Riggs dies of prostate cancer at age 77.
In 1995 John J. Sweeney is elected AFL-CIO president.
In 1995 A commuter train slams into a school bus in Fox River Grove, IL,
In 1995 killing 7 students and injuring 28.
In 1996 Federal judge Richard Matsch grants Oklahoma City bombing defendants
In 1996 Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols separate trials.
In 1997 Hundreds of thousands of women join the Million Woman March in
In 1997 Philadelphia.
In 1998 Vice President Al Gore participates in a groundbreaking ceremony for
In 1998 a memorial dedicated to victims of the Oklahoma City bombing.
In 1999 Golfer Payne Stewart and five others are killed when their Learjet
In 1999 flew uncontrolled for four hours before crashing in South Dakota.
In 1999 Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan exits the GOP to
In 1999 mount a bid for the Reform Party nomination.
In 2000 Divers find and remove the first bodies from the wreckage of the
In 2000 nuclear submarine Kursk in the Barents Sea. It sank on August 12
In 2000 with the loss of all 118 sailors aboard.
In 2002 Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN) is killed in a plane crash in
In 2002 northern Minnesota along with his wife, daughter and five others,
In 2002 just 11 days before the election.
In 2002 Actor/singer, Richard Harris (MacArthur Park) dies in London at 72.
In 2003 The Florida Marlins win the World Series in Game 6 against the New
In 2003 York Yankees, 2-0.
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