On this date in 1492, Christopher Columbus noted in his journal the use of tobacco among Indians, the first recorded reference to tobacco. He put out the idea of the Great North American Smoke-Out and that's when things went south.
  • He noted in his journal that that the native Americans were using something called, tobacco, despite warnings from the Medicine Man General.
  • That was the first recorded reference to tobacco, which came right after a meeting with the local tribe's chief, Smells Like Ashtray Breath.
  • Ironically, the ones using it were with the Nicorette tribe.
  • The tribe had divided the teepees into smoking and non-smoking sections.
  • Local Indians smoked tobacco and would often walk a mile to search for camels.
  • He first noticed it when walking into a casino.
On this date in 1806, Explorer Zebulon Pike discovered the mountaintop in Colorado now known as "Pikes Peak." Just think how different it would have turned out if the explorer William Don't had found it.

In 1869, the U.S. began free postal service. Well, I can see how it didn't make money.
On this date in 1889, Dom Pedro, the 2nd Emperor of Brazil was dethroned. I won't go into details how citizens got him to leave his thrown, but it was revolting.

In 1901, the first electric hearing aid, "the Acousticon," was patented.
  • The only problem with this early version was the incredibly long extension cord. Which reminds me of this joke: A guy was bragging about his new hearing aid. How incredibly well it worked and it only cost him $10! His friend asked, "What kind is?" and the guy responded, "Oh, around 7:15!"
  • Someone asked what kind it was and the inventor said, "Oh, around 8:30."
  • It was a popular replacement for the gas-engine powered hearing airs which were so loud, they defeated the purpose.
On this date in 1937, air conditioning was installed in the House and Senate chambers of Congress. Just like congress -- having air conditioning installed in November.

It was on this date 1996 that the late Michael Jackson married the woman carrying his baby -- his plastic surgeon's nurse, Debbie Rowe, in an Australian wedding ceremony. Hey, if you were Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon, you were practically family already.


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