Today In History...

In 1793The Louvre Museum in Paris opens to the public.
In 1837Mount Holyoke Seminary becomes the first U.S. college for women.
In 1864Abraham Lincoln is elected to his second term as president.
In 1889Montana becomes the 41st U.S. state.
In 1892Former President Cleveland defeats incumbent Benjamin Harrison for the presidency, becoming the first (and, to date, only) chief executive to win non-consecutive terms to the White House.
In 1895Wilhelm Rontgen discovers the X-ray.
In 1904President Theodore Roosevelt (who had succeeded the assassinated William McKinley) is elected to a term in his own right as he defeated Democrat Alton B. Parker.
In 1923Adolf Hitler tries to take over Germany in a coup attempt thatcomes to be known as the "Beer-Hall Putsch."
In 1932New York governor Franklin D. Roosevelt defeats incumbent Herbert Hoover for the presidency of the United States.
In 1933President Franklin D. Roosevelt creates, by executive order, the Civil Works Administration, designed to create jobs for more than 4 million unemployed.
In 1939"Life with Father," the longest running Broadway drama, opens.
In 1942"Operation Torch" begins as Allied forces invade French NorthAfrica during World War II.
In 1950The first jet-to-jet dog fight takes place over Korea between a Soviet-built MIG-15 and an American Lockheed F-80. USAF Lt.Russell Brown destroys the MIG.
In 1960Massachusetts Democratic Senator John F. Kennedy defeats Vice President Richard M. Nixon for the U.S. presidency.
In 1966Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts becomes the first black to be elected to the U.S. Senate by popular vote.
In 1966Ronald Reagan is elected governor of California.
In 1970Tom Dempsey of New Orleans kicks a NFL-record 63-yard field goal.
In 1973Walt Disney's animated feature "Robin Hood" is released.
In 1978The century's most famous illustrator, Norman Rockwell, dies at age 84.
In 1982A smokey fire, set by a prisoner in a Biloxi prision kills 28.
In 1983Democrat W. Wilson Goode is elected the first back mayor of Philadelphia and Democrat Martha Layne Collins the first female governor of Kentucky.
In 1984The space shuttle Discovery blasts off into orbit in pursuit of two wayward satellites that the astronauts would retrieve in a daring salvage mission.
In 1985A letter signed by four American hostages in Lebanon is deliveredin Beirut. In the letter, Terry Anderson, the Rev. Lawrence Jenco, David Jacobsen and Thomas Sutherland pleaded with President Reagan to negotiate their release. All four men were eventually freed.
In 198711 people are killed when a bomb planted by the Irish Republican Army explodes in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland.
In 1988Vice President George Bush is elected the 41st U.S. President, defeating Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis.
In 1989In an attempt to strengthen his 3-week-old leadership, East German Communist Party chief Egon Krenz ousts the old guard of the ruling Politburo, replacing them with reformers.
In 1990President Bush orders a new round of troop deployments in the Persian Gulf, adding up to 150,000 soldiers to the multinational force facing off against Iraq.
In 1991The European Community and Canada impose economic sanctions on Yugoslavia in an attempt to stop the Balkan civil war.
In 1992Volunteers begin reading aloud the 58,183 names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, as part of the tribute marking the 10th anniversary of the monument.
In 1992Some 350,000 people rally in Berlin against racist violence.
In 1993Russian President Boris Yeltsin approves a draft constitution that would strengthen executive power; it was ratified in a referendum the following month.
In 1994Midterm elections result in the GOP winning a majority in theSenate and gaining control of the House for the first time in 40 years.
In 1994Marion Barry, who served a six-month federal prison term in 1990 on a misdemeanor cocaine charge, is re-elected mayor of Washington,DC.
In 1995Retired General Colin Powell announces he will not run forpresident or any other political office.
In 1997Chinese engineers divert the Yangtze River to make way for theThree Gorges Dam, the most ambitious construction project in modern China's history.
In 1997Evander Holyfield wins the IBF heavyweight title in a fight against Michael Moorer in Las Vegas.
In 1998Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA), predicts he would succeed Newt Gingrich as House Speaker. He was elected to the post but resigned before taking office after admitting to marital infidelities.
In 2000A statewide recount begins in Florida, which emerged as critical in deciding the winner of the 2000 presidential election.
In 2000Waco special counsel John C. Danforth releases his final report absolving the government of wrongdoing in the 1993 siege at the Branch Davidian compound in Texas.
In 2002The UN Security Council unanimously approves a resolution giving weapons inspectors the muscle they needed to hunt for illicit weapons in Iraq.
In 2004The U.S. dollar is eliminated from circulation in Cuba.


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