• One out of six Americans will rake leaves and clean fallen debris from their yards sometime before the end of the year. 
  • Research reveals if you want to feel good and have more self-esteem you should talk about yourself or compliment yourself. 
  • 52% of mothers play video games when their children aren't home. 
  • A recent survey found that being asked for your phone number and email address is the biggest pain while shopping during the holiday season. 
  • 75% of people eat one grilled cheese sandwich per year. 
  • More than 9 out of 10 people who post photos online say it helps reduce holiday stress. 
  • A little over $600 million is spent on fencing material (barbed wire, chain link, chicken wire, etc.) each year in America. 
  • Doing this activity has become a popular first date option for Millennials. What is it? Going shopping.


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