"Kansas Police Don't Arrest Shoplifter, Instead Buy Him Work Boots!"
Truth! The guy was caught red-handed trying to steal a pair of work boots from a local Walmart. The shoplifter was later described as "a displaced juvenile within the State of Kansas Justice system" who said that he needed the boots so he could get a job. After hearing his story, the two officers felt it would be better to help the young man and bought him the boots rather than arrest him. He cried. Newser)

"New Discovery: Eggnog Cures Hiccups!"
Trash! But even if it was true, I'd take the hiccups.

"Putin Wants to Get Rid of Rap Music in Russia!"
Truth! Putin says "rap is based on three pillars: sex, drugs, and protest," and adds, "... this is a path to the degradation of the nation." Realizing he probably can't completely ban rap music, he does want cultural leaders to control and direct it. Fear of a Red Planet?

"Pastor Buys His Wife Lamborghini with Church Money!"
Truth! All hell is breaking loose for Greenville, SC pastor John Gray who gave his wife a $200,000 Lamborghini SUV for their eighth anniversary. Parishioners at the Relentless Church aren't so cool with that. But he says, "God helped me to make my wife's dream come true. Why not? She's made mine come true!" (Greenville Online)

"Christmas Trees Are A Great Source of Fiber!"
Trash! Only true if you are a goat. And I don't think you are.

"Boy Bullied at School Because He Has the Last Name Trump!"
Truth! In San Francisco, 11-year-old Joshua Trump has reportedly been punched, cursed at and called names. His stepfather, Bobby Berto, said the problems started during Trump's campaign and school officials aren't doing enough. Mark Mayer, the principal of the school, said that five students have been disciplined for the issue. Reportedly, Joshua is now changing his last name, at least in the school's system, to his stepfather's, Berto. (SF Gate)

"There Were Actually Four Wise Men!"
Trash! Just three, but there was another fellow that was a Wise Guy

"Man Invents Flying Pizza!"
Trash! Well, it flew when he threw it... but that was about it.


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