Want to light a fire with your love life? Start with romance. It may seem old-fashioned, but there is nothing like taking time to just focus on each other to put the zing back into a tired relationship. RomanceStuck.com offers these suggestions:

Set a monthly "date night" and stick to it.
Even if it's just dinner and a movie or a candlelit dinner together at home, make time for just the two of you.

Say "I love you" every day.
These three small words carry so much meaning, yet they're never said often enough. Make sure that your partner knows you love and appreciate him or her every single day.

Put your love in writing.
Nothing gives you warm fuzzies of love like receiving a simple love note or a passionate love letter. Every once in a while take the time to write your sweetie love notes, love poems and love letters.

Bring back the spontaneity in your relationship.
Surprise your partner once a month. Try sending her flowers "just because." Buy him two tickets to a game of his favorite sport--and go with him!

Show your love each and every day.
Give your partner compliments, hold hands, open doors and engage in public displays of affection. It's the little things you do to show your love that always mean the most.

Have fun together.
Take up a new hobby together. Join a softball team together or take cooking, golf or dancing lessons. You'll not only learn something new, but also you'll have fun with your partner at the same time.

Don't forget the little things.
Make him lunch. Paint her toenails. Wash and wax his car. Do her weekly chores. You've heard the phrase that it's the little things that really matter when it comes to showing how much you care. Show you care by doing something nice and unexpected for your partner. It's a practical way to show your love that will be very much appreciated.


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