• Potato chips are the most dangerous food to eat while driving. Number two on the list is hot soup.
  • If you're over 40 chances are you eat yogurt twice as often as you did when you were a kid.
  • 89% of people have never used frequent flyer miles.
  • A study found that 3% of people say they have checked their work email in the pool while on vacation.
  • According to one researcher, the single most persuasive word you can use at work is "Yeah."
  • 30% of adults admit they've dressed while driving to save time.
  • AskMen.com says 60% of men are nostalgic for the days when a handshake meant something in business.
  • You can burn up to 200 calories while watching a horror film -- more than any other genre.
  • The average American will use 20 gallons of this in a lifetime? Toothpaste.


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