• 23% of women say leaving wet towel on the bed is their partner's worst habit.
  • 41% of men said in a survey that they can't go a week without pizza.
  • Taking a photograph more than seven times can ruin a family outing.
  • A recent study reveals that rocking in a rocking chair this every day reduces anxiety, depression and also improves your balance.
  • Over your lifetime you'll go through about 100 feet of fingernails.
  • Almost 3 out of 4 people wish they had enough money to hire someone to clean for them every week.
  • 68% of moms get stressed watching the kids play sports.
  • One in four drivers runs a red light at least once a week.
  • The average person will down about 1,600 to 1,800 calories if they go here? The movie theatre.


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