• According to USA Today, about 61,000 people in the U.S. are doing getting their oil changed right now.
  • According to a recent survey, if you take a vacation during the summertime, you'll likely gain about 10 pounds.
  • A survey by SheerID.com reveals that the average teacher spends $468 of their own money on back to school supplies each year.
  • 29% of women have tried to enhance their appearance by stuffing their bra with toilet paper.
  • An electric knife is the number one small appliance given as a wedding gift these days.
  • According to Men's Health, 25% of men have started a fire in the kitchen.
  • Research says that men are more likely to obey the law while they're married.
  • It may seem weird but doing this can boost your memory and cognition. What? Breathing through your nose boosts your memory by improving the transfer of information from the senses to the brain's storage network.


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