Today In History...

In 1453 Constantinople falls to the Turks ending the middle ages.
In 1765 Patrick Henry denounces the Stamp Act before Virginia's House of Burgesses.
In 1790 Rhode Island, the last of the original 13 states, ratifies the U.S. Constitution.
In 1848 Wisconsin becomes the 30th U.S state.
In 1932 World War I veterans arrive in Washington, DC, to demand cash bonuses they weren't scheduled to receive for another 13 years.
In 1943 Norman Rockwell's portrait of "Rosie the Riveter," symbolizing American women employed as industrial workers during World War II, appears on the cover of the The Saturday Evening Post.
In 1953 Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tensing Norkay of Nepal are the first climbers to reach the top of Mount Everest (29,028 feet).
In 1961 The first U.S. food stamps are distributed.
In 1968 The Truth In Lending Act is signed.
In 1973 Tom Bradley is elected the first black mayor of Los Angeles, CA, defeating incumbent Sam Yorty.
In 1977 A.J. Foyt wins the Indianapolis 500 a record fourth time in a race that features Janet Guthrie, the first woman to drive at Indy.
In 1978 First Class postage is now 15 cents (was 13 cents for 3 years).
In 1980 National Urban League president Vernon Jordan Jr. is shot and wounded seriously at a motel parking lot in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
In 1982 Pope John Paul II and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, pray together at Canterbury Cathedral in England.
In 1982 Sci-fi series "The Incredible Hulk," starring Bill Bixby, airs for the last time on CBS-TV.
In 1983 President Reagan and the leaders of six other major industrialized nations open an economic summit conference in Williamsburg, VA.
In 1984 The U.S. announces it had sold 400 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to Saudi Arabia in the face of escalating conflict in the Persian Gulf.
In 1985 35 people are killed and hundreds injured in a Brussels, Belgium, soccer riot.
In 1986 Close U.S. allies urge the Reagan administration at a NATO foreign ministers' meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, not to scrap the SALT II arms accord.
In 1987 The "Twilight Zone" trial ends with director John Landis and 4 others acquitted in the helicopter deaths of actor Vic Morrow and two child actors.
In 1988 Ronald Reagan becomes the first American president in 14 years to visit Moscow, where he opened his superpower summit with Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev.
In 1990 Boris Yeltsin is elected president of Russia.
In 1990 Peru is struck by an earthquake that claimed 56 lives.
In 1991 President Bush unveils a plan to curb "unnecessary and destabilizing weapons" in the Middle East.
In 1992 Undeclared presidential candidate Ross Perot holds a rally in Orlando, FL, that was carried by 2-way TV satellite to five other states and shown nationally on C-SPAN.
In 1993 President Clinton taps Republican David Gergen to assume responsibility for White House communications and press operations.
In 1994 Khallid Abdul Muhammad, a former spokesman for the Nation of Islam, is shot and wounded after delivering a speech at the University of California, Riverside.
In 1994 Former East German leader Erich Honecker dies in Chile at age 81.
In 1995 The last three bodies entombed in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City are recovered.
In 1995 Margaret Chase Smith, the first woman to serve in both the House and the Senate, dies at age 97.
In 1996 A California state appeals court overturns pandering conviction of "Hollywood Madam" Heidi Fleiss, ruling that jurors engaged in vote-swapping misconduct to avoid deadlock.
In 1996 Israelis go to the poles and elect opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu in a narrow victory over Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
In 1999 The space shuttle "Discovery" completes the first-ever docking with the international space station.
In 1999 Olusegun Obasanjo became Nigeria's first civilian president in 15 years, after a series of military regimes.
In 2000 Indonesia's state prosecutors place former President Suharto under house arrest.
In 2000 The space shuttle Atlantis returns from a repair mission to the international space station.
In 2001 Four followers of Osama bin Laden are convicted in New York of a global conspiracy to murder Americans, including the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa that killed 224 people.
In 2001 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that disabled golfer Casey Martin could use a cart to ride in tournaments.
In 2004 America dedicates a memorial to its World War II veterans on the National Mall in Washington, DC.


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