Today In History...
- In 1793 During the French Revolution, King Louis XVI, condemned for treason by the National Convention, is executed by the guillotine.
- In 1861 Jefferson Davis of Mississippi and four other Southerners resign from the U.S. Senate.
- In 1892 John Couch Adams, English co-discoverer of Neptune, dies.
- In 1908 New York City enacts an ordinance that made smoking in public by women punishable by a fine of $5.00 to $25.00 and 10 days in jail.
- In 1915 The Kiwanis Club is formed in Detroit, Michigan.
- In 1924 Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin dies of a stroke at age 54.
- In 1950 A federal jury in New York finds former State Department official Alger Hiss guilty of perjury.
- In 1950 George Orwell, author of "1984," dies in London.
- In 1954 The first gas turbine automobile is exhibited in New York City.
- In 1954 The first atomic submarine, the USS Nautilus, is launched atGroton, Connecticut.
- In 1969 Switzerland had to seal off an underground cavern after a nuclear accident.
- In 1976 The supersonic Concorde is put into service by Britain and France.
- In 1977 President Carter pardons almost all Vietnam War draft evaders.
- In 1979 The Pittsburgh Steelers become the first team to win three Super Bowls, when they defeat the Dallas Cowboys, 35-31, in Super Bowl XIII.
- In 1979 Neptune becomes the outermost planet (Pluto moves closer).
- In 1982 John Henry Abbott, a convict turned author, is found guilty in New York of first-degree manslaughter in the stabbing death of waiter Richard Adan in 1981.
- In 1986 Thirty people are killed when a car packed with explosives exploded on a busy street of Christian east Beirut.
- In 1987 West Germany indicates that extraditing a suspect in the 1985 hijacking of a TWA jetliner to the U.S. could take longer than originally expected.
- In 1988 A study released in the Journal of the American Medical Association said the anti-acne drug known as Retin-A could reduce wrinkles.
- In 1990 In the Soviet republic of Azerbaijan, mutinous military cadets fire on troops patrolling the capital during a crackdown on a nationalist uprising.
- In 1991 During the Persian Gulf War, CBS News correspondent Bob Simon, CBS News London bureau chief Peter Bluff, a cameraman and sound man are captured by Iraqi forces; they were released March 2.
- In 1992 The U.S. Supreme Court agrees to review a Pennsylvania law imposing waiting periods and other restrictions on abortions. The court later upheld most of the restrictions while reaffirming women's' constitutional right to abortion.
- In 1993 Two U.S. warplanes bomb a defense site in northern Iraq after radar was turned on them.
- In 1994 Lorena Bobbit is found temporarily insane and not guilty of malicious wounding for severing her husband's penis by a jury in Manassas, VA.
- In 1995 President Clinton, addressing a meeting of the Democratic National Committee, implores members of his party to "bear down and go forward" despite the results of the 1994 elections.
- In 1996 With 88 percent of the vote, Yasser Arafat wins first Palestinian election.
- In 1997 Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is censured and fined as House votes for first time in history to discipline its leader for ethical misconduct.
- In 1997 Florida's crop losses from a surprise freeze climb to nearly $300 million.
- In 1998 Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky says on tape she had affair with President Clinton, which he denies.
- In 1998 Pope John Paul II begins a historic visit to Cuba.
- In 1998 Actor Jack Lord ("Hawaii Five-O") dies in Honolulu at age 77.
- In 2000 Grandmothers of Elian Gonzalez fly to U.S. to plead for the boy's return to Cuba.
- In 2001 Byron De La Beck with, a white supremacist convicted three decades after the fact for assassinating civil rights leader Medgar Evers, dies in Jackson, MS, at age 80.
- In 2003 The Census Bureau announces that Hispanics had surpassed blacks as America's largest minority group.
- In 2003 A powerful earthquake shakes west-central Mexico, killing 28 people and leaving 10,000 homeless.
- In 2008 The Eyak language in Alaska becomes extinct as its last native speaker dies.
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