On this date in 1801, Washington, DC, was placed under the jurisdiction of Congress. And it never recovered. Or, well, that explains everything.

In 1813, congress approved the use of steamboats to transport mail.
Not only would it show up sooner than if it traveled by land, but it would also arrive wrinkle-free.
They had to -- it was the slowest form of transportation available a the time.
They really should move to trucks or something a little faster.
After several weeks, the practice was abandoned after mail began arriving too fast.
It was a cost-effective way to move it, but also, the steam allowed you to take a peek at what was inside.

On this date in 1827, the very first Mardi Gras was celebrated in New Orleans. After the initial bead shortage, they were better prepared for the following year. Until then, the biggest question in town was, "What the heck am I going to do with all these beads?"

In 1883, the very first cigar-rolling machine was patented. Although, if he had known about it, Sir Walter Raleigh would have used it to roll in his grave.

On this date in 1890, two boxers fought 100 rounds before the match finally being declared a draw... and it was still shorter than the Academy Awards.

In 1939, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that sit-down strikes were illegal. Protestors said they wouldn't take the news standing up.

On this date in 1945, a Ford Motor Company strike ended with employees receiving an eighteen-cent hourly raise. 18-cents an hour wasn't much and to be honest, almost all Ford employees had a better idea.


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