• Even though they shouldn't, one out of ten American women drink alcohol while they're pregnant. (This compared to the rest of the world, that's really good, in France, 1 out of 2 drink, and in Russia, almost 2 out of 3.)
  • One percent of us will spend the most money on our pets than anyone else over Christmas.
  • The older you are, the less likely you'll cry.
  • Volunteers who took a short-term memory test -- and then walked in a park for an hour -- recalled 20 percent more.
  • 14% of people are addicted to eating cucumbers.
  • Only 7 out of every 1000 people will live to be 100 years old. Only 4 million have ever lived to be 110.
  • If you're an average American, you'll become a grand parent first time at age 47.
  • A recent poll found that a quarter of all women would give up sex for a new high dollar automobile.
  • What bit of trivia was partly responsible for "The Star-Spangled Banner" becoming the official national anthem of the U.S.? Believe it or not, we can thank cartoonist and fellow trivia hound Robert Ripley. In 1929 he published a cartoon with this caption: "Believe it or not, America has no national anthem." Famed composer John Philip Sousa saw the cartoon and was surprised to find that it was true, so he decided to change that. After a brief search of possible songs, Sousa promoted Francis Scott Key's "Star-Spangled Banner" as the official U.S. national anthem. His efforts paid off. Two years later, President Herbert Hoover signed it into law.


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