Would you rather constantly be mistaken for the opposite sex, or find out you were voted "ugliest classmate" when you were in high school?

Would you rather find out you had accidentally been switched at birth or find out your spouse had a sex change operation before you were married?

Would you rather be audited by the IRS or be mugged?

Would you rather live in a world where everything was like it is in "Star Wars" or a world where everything was like the "Lord of the Rings?"

Would you rather always spit when you talk, or always be spit on when you are being talked to?

Would you rather have a strange disorder where every time you were introduced to somebody you had an uncontrollable urge to ask them to pull your finger, or a strange disorder where every time you got irritated popcorn began to pop in your pants?

Would you rather have a head that reflects light like a disco party ball or puff up like a blowfish when you sense danger?

Would you rather have the power to drive as fast as you want with the assurance you would never be in an accident or have the power to eat whatever you want with the assurance you would never gain weight?

Would you rather live in a world where nobody used deodorant or a world where nobody could remember your name?

Would you rather be poor making a living cutting other peoples lawns or be a very wealthy proctologist?


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