Candy Month -- A recent survey found that 86% of American teenagers reported eating candy each week, and 21 percent said they eat candy every day. And get this, Americans eat 11.7 pounds of chocolate each year. But chocolate does more than tickle your taste buds. The chocolate-covered candy you love to gobble reveals the real you says psychologist Jane Whitrel. See where you fit in among the chocoholics by choosing the flavor you adore.

  • Cherry -- You're an enthusiastic person who grabs life with both hands. But do try to curb your impatience.
  • Orange -- You're a brainiac who's totally focused on the task at hand. Learn to juggle more than one project and you'll soar.
  • Fudge -- A bright-eyed charmer who attracts people by the carload, you need to become more flexible when things change.
  • Hazelnut -- You're a healer who wants to nurture anyone in your orbit, but you can be too shy to reach out. Relax and interact.
  • Coconut -- Your vivid imagination makes you a creative whirlwind. You must make the effort to handle everyday tasks too.
  • Coffee -- You're a powerhouse who thrives on getting the job done, and you seldom takes time to relax. Recharging your batteries is good for you.
  • Strawberry -- You are a giver who never fails to be there for your friends and family. Just don't forget to nurture yourself as well.
  • Lemon -- You are so concerned with the feelings of everyone else that you often short-change yourself. Do what makes you happy.
  • Peppermint -- You are a futurist who always has an eye on a goal you'll reach tomorrow. Meanwhile, the present is passing by unnoticed. Pay attention to today.


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