Today In History...

In 1775 The United States Army is founded.
In 1777 The Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopts the Stars and Stripes as the national flag.
In 1801 Former Revolutionary War General Benedict Arnold dies in London.
In 1841 The first Canadian parliament opens in Kingston.
In 1846 Settlers proclaim the free republic of California at Sonoma.
In 1847 Bunson invents a gas burner.
In 1917 General John Pershing arrives in Paris during World War I.
In 1919 William Allcock and Arthur Browne perform the first transatlantic flight. (8 years before Lindbergh's solo)
In 1922 Warren G. Harding becomes the first president to be heard on radio, when WEAR/Baltimore broadcasts his speech dedicating the Francis Scott Key memorial at Fort McHenry.
In 1928 The Republican National Convention nominates Herbert Hoover for president on the first ballot.
In 1938 Chlorophyll is patented by Benjamin Grushkin.
In 1940 German troops enter Paris during World War II.
In 1940 In German-occupied Poland, the Nazis open their concentration camp at Auschwitz.
In 1942 Walt Disney's animated feature film "Bambi" is released.
In 1943 The U.S. Supreme Court rules schoolchildren could not be compelled to salute the U.S. flag if doing so conflicted with their religious beliefs.
In 1954 President Eisenhower signs an order adding words "under God" to the "Pledge of Alligence."
In 1967 The space probe Mariner V is launched from Cape Kennedy on a flight that would take it past Venus.
In 1976 "The Gong Show" premieres on TV.
In 1982 Argentine forces surrender to British troops on the disputed Falkland Islands, on the 74th day of a conflict that killed 1200.
In 1983 The record for rowing across the Atlantic Ocean (solo, East to West) is set at 294 days.
In 1983 Five people are killed when a fire that began in stacked rolls of carpet spread through a wing of the Ramada Inn in Fort Worth, TX.
In 1985 The 17-day hostage ordeal of TWA Flight 847 begins as a pair of Lebanese Shiite Moslem extremists seize the jetliner shortly after takeoff from Athens, Greece.
In 1986 "Wild Kingdom" host Marlin Perkins dies near St. Louis at age 81.
In 1986 The Soviets announce that the ruined Chernobyl power plant's top manager's had been fired.
In 1988 Howard Baker resigns as President Reagan's White House chief of staff because of "personal circumstances."
In 1988 Howard Baker makes the surprise announcement that he would resign as President Reagan's White House chief of staff on July 1.
In 1989 Former President Reagan receives an honorary knighthood from Britain's Queen Elizabeth II.
In 1989 Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor is arrested for slapping a Beverly Hills motorcycle patrolman.
In 1990 The U.S. Supreme Court upholds, by a 6-3 vote, police checkpoints that examine drivers for signs of intoxication.
In 1991 The space shuttle Columbia returns from a medical research mission.
In 1992 The Chicago Bulls win the NBA championship, beating the Portland Trail Blazers in game six, 97-93.
In 1992 Mona Van Duyn becomes the first woman to be named the nation's poet laureate by the Library of Congress.
In 1993 President Clinton chooses Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an advocate of women's rights, to serve on the Supreme Court.
In 1994 President Clinton unveils a $9.3 billion-dollar welfare reform plan.
In 1994 The New York Rangers win hockey's Stanley Cup for the first time in 54 years, as they defeated the Vancouver Canucks in Madison Square Garden.
In 1995 Stephen Yokich is elected president of the United Auto Workers.
In 1996 World copper markets are thrown into turmoil following disclosure by Sumitomo Corp. that a rogue trader had hidden multi-billion dollar losses.
In 1997 A 1939 comic book, Batman's first, nets $68,500 at Sotheby's in New York City.
In 1997 In Amsterdam, 30,000 demonstrators march against unemployment and poverty two days before a European Union summit on expansion and a single currency.
In 1998 The Chicago Bulls clinch their sixth NBA championship, defeating the Utah Jazz.
In 1999 About 15,000 NATO peacekeepers spread out across Kosovo, including a convoy of about 1200 U.S. Marines.
In 1999 The U.S. Supreme Court opens the door to full broadcast advertising of casino gambling, ruling a federal ban aimed at protecting compulsive gamblers violated free-speech rights.
In 2000 North and South Korea sign an agreement pledging to work for reconciliation and eventual reunification.
In 2000 The Southern Baptists declare women should no longer serve as pastors.
In 2002 American Roman Catholic bishops meeting in Dallas adopt a policy to bar sexually abusive clergy from face-to-face contact with parishioners but keep them in the priesthood.
In 2003 A 20-foot wave capsized the charter fishing boat Taki-Tooo off the northern Oregon coast killing nine people.
In 2004 The Supreme Court allows schoolchildren to keep affirming loyalty to one nation "under God."
In 2019 Flag Day.


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