• New parents will spend an average of 45 hours choosing a newborn child's name.
  • We'll overeat 13 times November 22 through December 31.
  • Ten percent of us have been dumped by a partner in a car.
  • According to a survey, over half of women take off their shoes when they get to their seat at the movies. (Hope they don't put them on the ground)
  • Ten percent of men have the disability of colorblindness.
  • 75% of raisins are eaten at breakfast time.
  • A sociologist at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, determined that married men do less housework than live-in boyfriends.
  • A Cosmopolitan web poll found 65% of guys have daydreamed at some point about their wedding day.
  • Just over 10,000 millionaires made their money doing this? Playing video games.


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