(Cosmopolitan) Your love affair with binge watching might have started simply enough, with a borrowed Netflix password back in the seventh grade, but these days, it looks more like mainlining Netflix, and Hulu and HBO and Amazon every single day. Hey, it's the golden age of television, right? And just when you though you had the whole streaming thing figured out, the universe rolls out four new platforms, each duking it out for your money and your eyeballs. So, what, are you supposed to shell out your entire paycheck just to keep up? Nah. "selective streaming" is the name of your game. New streaming service are:

Disney Plus
There's way more to Disney than cartoon princesses. The best of Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars movies will live here as one big happy family. Plus you get The Simpsons and every new Disney move. The price - $6.99 a month or $69.99 a year.

Apple TV Plus
This service will live within the Apple TV app you probably already have on your phone. But you'll pay an extra fee for the Plus content. Plus is all about originals. The price - Is not set yet, but Apple stuff tends to be expensive.

You'll get HBO and blockbusters and the big DC super hero movies. Highlights are HBO classics. The price - Rumor is that it'll cost $16 to $17 a month.

NBC Universal
Since the company owns all the NBC shows and Universal movies, there will be tons of stuff to watch. The price - You'll reportedly be able to subscribe for about $10 a month.


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