• 10% of guys in a Match.com survey say they have changed their phone number after a first date.
  • A survey says that 27% of people would get an "IRS" tattoo if it meant they never had to pay taxes again.
  • 10% of married couples say they met each other at the gym.
  • Only 5% of kids say their parents don't do anything embarrassing.
  • 14% of adults say they've had a drink, or two, before going to the dentist.
  • According to a survey, 30% of us don't test drive a car until we know what we want.
  • Over 175 million of Girl Scout cookies are sold in the U.S. each year.
  • A survey says that Americans eat salad dressing an average of 38 times a year.
  • On average, women will clean these once a month, while men clean them once a year. The windows in your house.


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