• According to CareerBuilder.com, 25% of people take their shoes off at work to relax. Twice as many women do it than men.
  • Almost half of adults say they'll lie if you ask them how much chocolate they eat.
  • Breathing through your nose boosts your memory by improving the transfer of information from the senses to the brain's storage network.
  • 56% of people would rather be late for work and get yelled at by their boss than do without their morning coffee.
  • The average woman keeps the same hair stylist for 12 years.
  • 45% of people waiting in drive-thru fast food lines say they chat to the other people in the car.
  • Too many personal items in your office can hurt your credibility.
  • According to Women's Health, moving to a new city is the biggest change a woman can make for her man.
  • This item cost just 5 cents for its first 73 years of existence. What is it? Coca-cola.


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