• Oregon is going to allow students to take "mental health days" just as they would sick days, expanding the reasons for excused school absences to include mental or behavioral health.
  • Miss Michigan, Kathy Zhu, has been stripped of her title after pageant officials said she had a pattern of posting "offensive" messages on social media.
  • Art Neville, founder of the Neville Brothers, died yesterday. He was 81.
  • A baby girl in St. Louis was born on 7-Eleven Day at 7:11 p.m., weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces. 7-11 has given her $7,111 towards her college fund.
  • Did you know that Gisele Bündchen has a twin? Mrs. Tom Brady and her sister celebrated their birthdays together over the weekend.
  • Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix are engaged.
  • Beyonce's daughter has received her first songwriting credit at age 7.
  • Bernie Sanders' campaign staff is demanding $15 an hour pay, the same as what he says should be the minimum wage.
  • Pampers has announced a line of smart diapers.
  • A study says Joshua trees could be extinct from Joshua Tree National Park by 2070 because of climate change.
  • Tomorrow's the big day when Robert Mueller testifies for three hours before the House Judiciary Committee and two hours before the House Intelligence Committee.
  • 13% of seniors 65+ and 30% of caregivers consider voice control a must-have feature for independent living system.
  • If you're not up for heading to Area 51 to storm it this fall, over 18,000 people are heading to Loch Ness on September 21st to search for that lake's mythical monster.
  • Charlotte Pence, Vice President Mike Pence's daughter, announced her engagement to boyfriend Henry Bond on Instagram Saturday.
  • Down in Florida, a man was pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving. He told the officer that he wasn't drinking while driving. Only when he came to a stop sign.
  • There's a GoFundMe right now by Flat Earthers, hoping to raise $2.5 million so they can launch a ship that will find the end of the earth.
  • Police in Braintree, Massachusetts, put out a public plea to all criminals to please hold off on all crime until after their current heatwave.
  • Mick Jagger is heading back to the movies in the art-world thriller "The Burnt Orange Heresy", alongside Donald Sutherland. His scenes were filmed before he underwent surgery in April. The movie debuts at the Venice Film festival in September.
  • Ohio has raised the legal smoking age to 21.


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