• It's a growing trend to have two girlfriends or boyfriends.
  • 8% of Americans never use a seat belt, although they should, because it's against law not to.
  • According to a recent survey, 7 out of 10 adults own a grill and use it at least once a week.
  • 28% of people wash their car at home, while 72% do it somewhere else.
  • 30 percent of men's clothing purchases are purchased by women.
  • The average smartphone nowadays contains over 40 apps.
  • 49% of employees think daydreaming is an important part of their workday.
  • According to USA Today, the first thing 61% of today's college grads will do is move home with the folks.
  • We experience over 1,400 of these a year. What are they? Dreams.


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